Convention Cancellations and Corona Virus


Daisy Brookes/Ekko Cosplay

Following the cancellation of Twitchcon in Amsterdam and E3 in the US, I thought it finally time to write a little piece about the Corona Virus panic and what I believe it means for events in 2020. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll without a doubt have heard about COVID-19, informally known as Corona Virus, and how the pandemic is affecting people across the globe.

As someone who is a high risk patient, I’ve been very anxious at all the news of this new virus. With two autoimmune diseases under my belt, I am more likely to catch, and have an adverse reaction to the virus. Over the last week I’ve really started to wonder how we are all going to handle the on-going spread and what it means for the convention going community. Many a friend has come to me asking if I will still be attending events. Honestly as I write this I don’t know what I’m going to do.

My next con is Birmingham MCM at the end of this month. I’m well on the way to finishing my costumes with plans for groups and shoots on both days. But now I’m unsure if I should be going at all. The biggest issue and fear surround Corona Virus is that it’s incredibly easy to pass on and big groups of people gathering in one place is sure to be a breeding ground. I think personally it will be for the best that I don’t attend but that leaves me quite upset. Being sick throughout my teen years and young adult life has left me missing out on more things than I would care to admit. It’s a difficult thing to explain, to feel like you’re always watching other people live their best lives whilst you struggle to do simple things and accomplish simple life goals. For me the cosplay community saved me from that isolation, but now I fear that I’m slipping back in to being an outcast, left out, alone.

So much of the onus to isolate is on the disabled and at risk. Many of us already feel isolated and the fear around having to push that isolation even further is terrifying. I am an extroverted person who is forced to live an introverted life. But across the country, as people panic buy and stockpile all sorts, those at risk are having to prepare for what could be a long wait alone.

It’s unlikely a cure will be readily available until well in to 2021, are the sick and disabled supposed to stay quarantined that long? Unless those who are less likely to suffer from this virus start to take precautions to protect those who will, we’re going to end up with a lot of people struggling alone.

I personally believe a lot more events will make the decision to cancel. As this virus spreads, the more dangerous it gets and the gathering of large groups of people just isn’t worth the risk. However if events go ahead and you do still plan to attend, there are measures that can be taken to limit the spread.

There are a number of ways the virus (and any virus for that matter) can spread at events like conventions. Some people are reported to be carrying the virus without presenting symptoms, meaning that they feel well but can still pass it on to others. Conventions also draw in a number of children and families. Children have a much higher chance of being carriers as their immune systems are much stronger than those of adults. The worst way in which Corona is spreading however is by people who are presenting symptoms but still attending events. It’s not worth the risk to others just because you may have “fomo”.

So, how do we try and stop these things from spreading at events? Aside from the obvious - don’t go if you don’t feel well, there are a few things that can help:

  • Conventions are often more than anything, a social gathering. We go to see friends, to catch up with each other and have fun. That being said it might be an idea to hold off on the hugs. Physical contact is one of the most prominent ways this virus is spreading from person to person so maybe for the next few cons, stick to the Vulcan salute.

  • Try not to share food or drink with other people. It’s very easy to take a swig out of a friends water bottle when you’re thirsty but it’s another very easy way for things to spread.

  • Avoid touching things that you know others will be touching, enforce the “look with your eyes not your hands” mindset when perusing tables of merch. If you’ve got to touch a touch screen of some sort, sanitise your hands after. You never know how many people have touched them.

  • Following on from that, if you have handled things avoid touching your face until you have cleaned your hands. In general it is being said to avoid touching your face regardless.

  • I’ll repeat what’s already been said by many: wash your hands regularly. Sing a song whilst you do it. Whatever works for you, just do it. If possible keep hand sanitiser with you for top ups for in between washes. 

  • Try to cough in to the crease of your elbow and cover your mouth and nose when sneezing. And again, wash your hands after.

  • Finally, if you’re thinking of attending with family, ask yourself if it’s really the best place to take your children. Will they be safe? Will they put others at risk?

I understand that lots of people will have spent money on tickets and hotels and that the idea of not going or missing out because of the money that’s already been spent is upsetting, but please think of those around you who may be at risk. I, and others like me, don’t want to have to miss out either but, like I have a million times before, we are probably going to have to because people can’t make these spaces safe enough.

It is times like now more than ever that we need to practice herd immunity. When doing anything, think of those around you who are high risk who you could protect. Because one thing I can promise you is you know more immunocompromised people than you think you do, and we need your help here.

A lot of this piece is probably going to come off as a bit preachy. I’m writing from a place of frustration at this point. I know there is a lot of fear and misinformation spreading through our social media and even news outlets, people are unsure what the right thing to do is. I don’t know what the right thing to do is either. All I can ask is you please think of those around you who are at risk and try not to be angry at events if they cancel, they are doing their best to protect everyone. In my opinion a missed convention is better than a hospital stay, and that’s coming from the girl who went to a convention 3 days after major surgery.

If you are worried about Corona Virus or want more information regarding the outbreak, please visit

 Like I mentioned above, I know Conventions are often a social thing more than anything. To battle home isolation, Discord are upping their streaming and screen share limit to help people stay in touch. For more information please read their official statement below.

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